Everything about "AHA" moments in my life...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Some of AHA moments in Serbia

So, here they are - cultural challenges even in Serbia for me:

*** put your bag on the floor and you will be always asked to put it on the chair. Reason: bag on the floor means no money for you ;)

*** NIS has no bus schedule. My bus to work goes every 20 min - I already learned this. But no bus schedule was big surprise for me in India and here I was told: Hey, Eva, you are not in Beograde, come on! (...or Serbians are so environment friendly so they do not print bus schedules to protect the nature;)

*** every beginning of the news is about entering of Serbia to EU or Kosovo - first news are similiar to Slovak or Czech news some years ago ;)...I told them: after you join EU, all of the talks will be about EURO ;)

*** Serbians won FIBA ;)


Unknown said...

HUhuhu.... So, Evca ended in teh Balkans- welcome, home. Sorry not to be nearby, would love to invite you in Soia :)

Anyway- if you decide to go a little bit futher- you are welcome in Dubai.

Greets from UAE

Evca said...

Maaan, cao, so you greet me from Dubai when I am 2 hours from Sofia! Hm, hm...I hope you have enaugh challenges to become real big Emo :)...and anyway - balkan rocks - in all the aspects you can imagine ;)...ciao!evca

hana said...

Ty jo, ty taky bloguješ???
(a kdo vlastně ne, že? ;-))

